Meaning of faciebat latin
Meaning of faciebat latin

meaning of faciebat latin

Why the duplication? Even odder is the fact that he uses the Mystical sign of 4 Merchant Mark as part of the date and the “5” of the 1504 was originally backwards, associated with Münzer in previous prints, and that Münzer is inextricably now tied to the Dürers, via Margret’s bastard daughter, Margaret. For on this same tablet is ALSO his monogram, which you see in the lower left of the inscription, which is how he always identified his designs. He declares in Latin that he made this print.

meaning of faciebat latin meaning of faciebat latin

What is on this tablet is a declaration by Dürer. In the third line of the inscription on the left we have the masculine form of the word “Norica”-of Hungary, the same word found hidden in the neckline of the woman in the Promenade you see on the right-the word that means “from Hungary.” Look at the inscription in the tablet under the parrot, which you see on the left. Margret’s 9 as represented in the 1504 Adam and Eva print on the tablet

Meaning of faciebat latin